"Sleep Training" clocks are something I am often asked about - and give my open opinion on! Many look for these as a way to solve early rising, and they can be effective when they are used right.
I like to call them "wake and sleep clocks" - so that we can give our little one's clear cues on when it is time to sleep, and when it is ready to get up for the day. These work best after around 19 months of age, where they can start to understand the concept of this.
Here is the first thing I will tell you - and honestly it makes a huge difference. Avoid lights where the sleep light is blue. Blue and white lights hinder our melatonin production (the sleepy hormone), and although they may fall asleep with them, it alters the production of melatonin throughout the night and can prevent them for staying in a deep sleep - as well as actually reinforcing the early rises!
Yet many popular brands use blue lights. I truly would look for an alternative - I can't tell you how many family's who have taken this advice and said sleep was better once they got rid of any blue lights in the room!
So which are ones work well?
You ideally want to look for the following characteristics.
Amber/Red lights - either as a whole setting, or an optional colour change where you can make this happen. They are sleep inducive and don't impact their melatonin production.
The ability to change the time easily - trust me you'll thank me come the seasonal clock changes!
Bluetooth activated ones can also work well for adjusting settings easily.
Colour changing activity - ideally you want the options to either set the colour to red/amber for sleep - and green or white for when it is wake time. By choosing a red and green combination - it also relates with them more in their learning of "red means stop, and green means go"!
Here are some of my tips to make it work.
Your toddler may not be completely invested in this to begin with, so talk about it a lot in the day!
This sounds counter intuitive - but set the alarm for their usual wake up time to begin with! If they wake at 5am, set it for 5am. They'll feel the instant reward it in for a few days and more invested in it. Then you can slowly extend the timing to 5.30am..6am and so on.
By keeping their quiet time to nearer your ideal wake time, you're also giving them a chance to reset their body clock, and to conserve energy which will make your nap time more predictable by starting the day at the same time.
Best ones to buy-
Glow Dreamer Sleep Aid
Not only does this have a lovely red light for sleep, it also acts as a white noise machine and humidifier! So this is a great one from birth right up through the ages and a really worthwhile investment. The new one comes with it's own linked app for easy control too!
2. DreamEgg
I love this one because it's got a lovely low light, and works as a white noise machine! There are a variety of styles that DreamEgg provide, but all with that amber tone. You can buy this on Amazon here.

3. The ICode Sleep and Wake Clock
I love the timer on this, and the clear vision it gives for toddlers when really working on that clear distinction of night and day. With the option of red for sleep, and green for wake! Easy settings and visual images to make this really clear for your little one.

You can grab the ICode here!
Now of course, early rising can be caused by many things. Such as sleep pressure, overtiredness, sleep associations or their settle rhythm. If you're feeling stuck and this is your last attempt at fixing this, or you know something else needs to change then please do reach out and we'll get you that sleep you all need!
You can also check out the Toddler Sleep Solutions course here - with step by step responsive solutions to sleep!